This blog will be a chronicle for the major changes about to start at The Stag and Huntsman pub in Hambleden, Oxfordshire. This much loved local hostelry is at the heart of the village and has been for generations. A traditional, unspoilt local boozer, it attracts a loyal following from the Hambleden Valley and provides a focal point for friends across all generations and walks of life to meet, engage in healthy banter and to enjoy the company and community we are so fortunate to have around us.
Sadly, the pub is about to close (this Sunday, September 4th September) for at least 6-months of major renovations and building work. This is under the orders of new owner, Swiss Financier Urs Schwarzenbach who bought the village from the much respected and sorely missed Henry Smith three or four years ago. Mr Schwarzenbach has spent a small fortune bringing the fabric of the village up to date and now it is the turn of our beloved pub.
As a regular of the Pub and resident of the Village, I am concerned at what will result. Like most others, we understand that The Stag needs updating -- let's face it, it is a bit frayed around the edges. But for many of us, that's the appeal. But business is business and it's clear the The Stag could be doing better. So as Mr Schwarzenbach embarks on this project, we hold our collective breaths in the hope that his plans do not rip the heart out of The Stag and that the final build keeps the character and atmosphere that has made The Stag such a special place for me and many of my friends here in Hambleden.
Mr Schwarzenbach -- we watch with keen interest and this blog will be an honest, fair and constructive mouthpiece for the mood of the village as the development takes shape. Watch this space for progress. And do follow updates on Twitter using @StagandHuntsman.