So the Christmas season is upon us and for the first time in more than 400 years, Hambleden’s residents are having to live without the Stag and Huntsman. Christmas at the Stag has always been something special as the village regularly retires to its friendly bars after the traditional events in the lead up to the festivities. I predict that attendance at Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve will be down on last year and that those who do attend will not sing with such gusto as a direct result of the Stag’s closure. Who’d have thought the church would be an indirect ‘victim’ of the closure!? :)
I’m not alone in already looking forward to next year and the return of the Stag and Huntsman from May onwards. Work is certainly progressing well with the footings now in on the squaring off of the lounge with the public bar. The new roof is taking shape and the walls are going up on the large new extension down the side of the garden. As for the inside, I’ve not seen in there yet but some investigative snooping will take place shortly so watch this space for a report and perhaps some photos from my hidden camera.
As 2011 closes, we continue to watch developments closely. The vibe around the place is becoming increasingly positive with many friends passing on comments from the wider community that expectations are high for the new Stag and Huntsman. Excitement therefore mounts; it’s just a shame that we have to live through this Christmas season without our local friendly pub. I for one am missing it this year. Bring on 2012.