Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Claire Hollis to be GM @ The Stag and Huntsman Hambleden

So it's official. Claire Hollis has been appointed as the General Manager of The Stag and Huntsman when it reopens in the May time frame.  I'm sure this news will be greeted with considerable relief by the Village as the pub will once again be run by an individual with deep roots in Hambleden.

It was always going to be so important that The Hillbrooke Hotels Group and the Culden Faw Estate appointed the right General Manager, someone who understands the needs of the local community. And who could be better than Claire. I'm sure Rebellion Brewery's loss is our gain. That said, we'll compensate by drinking more of their excellent beer!

Now let's hope that Hillbrooke Hotels support Claire in what she does and that she has the right people behind her to make this big job a huge personal success for her. But for now, we delight in the thought of her stewardship and look forward to the opening of the new Stag and Huntsman with even more excitement.  Congratulations Claire -- we are all very pleased for you!  Happy days!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Stag and Huntsman in the Snow

We all have fingers crossed for a fast end to the current cold weather so that work can continue apace at the Stag and Huntsman in Hambleden. Yesterday's minus 10 in the village obviously has had an effect because according to Matt Murton, the next door neighbour to the Stag, a pipe has burst and the cellar is filling fast with water. Hopefully by the time this is written, the Culden Faw Estate 'machine' will have swung into action to remedy the situation.  But for the record, here's the Stag and Huntsman in the February snow.